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Oct 31, 2022

Words of Hope | Christian Sleep Meditation | Encountering Peace

Has there been a time recently when you felt lost and without hope? Is it tonight? If so, you aren’t alone; tonight, you are in the right place. I hope this hour-long sleep meditation will help you experience the hope and peace of God as we meditate on...

Oct 31, 2022

ONE-HOUR Guided Sleep Meditation | Encountering Peace | What Promises Does God Have For You?

This guided biblical sleep meditation will help you drift off to sleep, reflecting on God's word and the comfort of His many promises and guarantees for you, His child.

Oct 26, 2022

Hebrews 13:8

The theme of this meditation from Hebrews 13 is consistency with a firm foundation.  Maintain a desire to pursue a very consistent foundational God while being open to new aspects of who He is.

Does Encounter help you pursue the Lord?  Please consider giving!

Whose faith do you most...

Oct 26, 2022

Matthew 6:34

"Future Tripping" is peering into the imagined future and anticipating an outcome. The theme of this meditation from Matthew 6 is overcoming anxiety by learning to live in the present moment in the presence of a very present God.

Does Encounter help you live in the moment?  Please consider giving!

What can...

Oct 26, 2022

Proverbs 27:5-6

The theme of this meditation from Proverbs 27 is wisdom.  Finding wisdom in sharing wise words and walking the narrow line between rebuking someone out of love and condemning someone out of anger.

Does Encounter help you encounter God's wisdom?  Please consider giving!

Is God is calling you to share His...